Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Breaking the News to My Manager

Elizabeth: Bob, I have something important to tell you.
Bob: Yes?
Elizabeth: I entered an air race. [Spoken slowly. Emphasize "air race."]
Bob: [Blinks.] A what?
Elizabeth: An air race. [Slowly. Emphasize "air."]
Bob: [Long pause.] Does John know?
Elizabeth: Yes, he does. He's known for several months now.
Bob: [Long pause.] I hate to tell you this, but you are not the racing kind.
Elizabeth: I know, but my friend Mary and I entered the race.
Bob: How does John feel about this?
Elizabeth: He may think he created a monster.
Bob: Yes, he did.
Elizabeth: Would you feed the doggies for me while I'm away?


  1. This is too funny. Tears are rolling down my cheeks and my belly is beginning to hurt. Thanks for sharing. H.-P.

  2. LOL! Tracking your progress on Flight Aware!

    PS -- I can feed your dogs anytime if you need me!

    Have fun!

  3. I count Bob and Virginia as two joys in my life!
