Saturday, June 25, 2011

Heading Home

    The 2011 Air Race Classic has ended. Wonderfully, I met some extraordinary women and children. Time to return home to fly for another year feeling inspired by the experience of an all-women transcontinental air race. Fly around the world now, anyone?

The score keeper showed me our time. He wasn't as impressed as I was about my perfect time-keeping. Our team did not place but we sure flew well and without penalties.

These ladies have raced over thirty Air Race Classics.

     Before Terry Carbonell, ARC board member, and Miss Enger at the Boys and Girls Club of Alabama, the girls in the photo had not flown in an airplane. Now they have flown and know that they have the opportunity to seek professions in aviation. Some may even race someday.

And this is a picture of Terry and her teammate Elaine holding the ARC 2010 first place trophy. 

    Tou Can Team accomplished our mission to bring awareness to women and to women in aviation. I feel delighted by all I did on my own in that regard: 1. Purchased domain name for Girls in Flight Training;  2. Established a web site for the school which is now held by Tamara; 3. Donated my plane and funding to race to bring awareness; and 4. Interacted with Tia to assist her in making her way toward accomplishing her goals. Um, who else benefits here? Me, too! My airplane benefitted, too, and thanks to Vernon Conley, by now having all documents complete and in order. 
     My thoughts now have turned toward Texas and flying back home to John! 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment! Can't wait to get the scoop on your adventures!
